Thursday, November 21, 2013

Som Sabadell flashmob BANCO SABADELL - Music Can Be Wonderful Therapy!

Music Therapy and Back Pain Relief

I can tell you how many times I've retreated into myself when I've been in terrible pain.

Ode to Joy and overcoming back pain and sciatica. Try it!

Close your eyes and, for a moment, forget about the pain...just drift into the music!

But what the video first! 



What is equally amazing is that 2951 people didn't "Like" it! There's just no pleasing some people, huh?!

And yet, there is so much beauty in the world!


Prof John P. J. "Jack" Zajaros, Sr.
The Bad Back Guy

Sunday, September 15, 2013

How to Stop Back Pain and Sciatica: Stretching Program Part I

With over 86,000 views and some incredible comments, I thought this video might be a good one to share here! I hope it helps you.

You can check out others at OR for even more material and some very useful tips:

I wish you all the best!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Lessons Learned Across 5 Decades: Soccer Player, Coach, and Parent

Lessons Learned Across 5 Decades: Soccer Player, Coach, and Parent

On any weekday or weekend day across America children are playing soccer. This post shares just a few observations from the perspective of time and as player, coach, and parent.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Dunia! The Lava Room Recording Emerging Artist of the Year for 2012! A Cinderella story comes true!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I learned how to sell & think like a closer by listening to Zig Ziglar tapes & going to hear Zig live! He touched millions & will be missed!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My doc asked about my day & I told him. He said, "Do you know how rare an individual you are? A man who truly loves his work!" Loving life!
My doc asked about my day & I told him. He said, "Do you know how rare an individual you are? A man who truly loves his work!" Loving life!
My doc asked about my day & I told him. He said, "Do you know how rare an individual you are? A man who truly loves his work!" Loving life!
My doc asked about my day & I told him. He said, "Do you know how rare an individual you are? A man who truly loves his work!" Loving life!