My name is John Zajaros and I've been a neck pain, back pain, and sciatica sufferer for most of my adult life. There have been a total of 14 back surgeries, most of them complete failures. Finally, after years of suffering excruciating neck pain, back pain, and sciatica, and going from one doctor to the next, I ended up with osteomyelitis, a staph infection in the vertebrae throughout my lower thoracic and lumbar spine. I was beyond pain and, I thought, beyond hope. Finally, at the beginning of the year 2000, a fantastic orthopedic surgeon agreed to go in one last time, and that's when the infection was discovered. Dr. Sanford Emery saved my life! Had it not been for the team at University Hospitals, Cleveland, Ohio, I wouldn't be here today. Even the famous Cleveland Clinic misdiagnosed the problem, attributing it to "failed back surgery syndrome" or simply "failed back," and possibly arachnoiditis.
After many more years of surgery, and multiple complications as a result of the misdiagnosis, the infection is gone and I have my life back. The journey too all my strength to survive and we almost lost everything in the process. While it is certain that without surgery I would no longer be here, surgery should always be viewed as a last chance, life or death measure. You see, once you open Pandora's Box, and submit to the surgeon's blade, you can never again close the box. The actual number of individuals achieving anything close to complete relief should make anyone think twice before undergoing spine surgery, at any level. My history, and I will share it with you over the next few weeks, should make anyone think twice, and perhaps three times, before committing to back surgery. Regardless of the level of neck pain, back pain, and/or sciatica, there are alternative bad back strategies and we will explore them together.
I realize that when you are in pain you cannot wait for someone to tell their story, you need pain relief now! So, if that is the case, and you stumbled upon, pun intended, this blog...today is your lucky day! Go to the link below and watch the video, explore the treatment strategies I recommend because they are all good ones and they will all help you relieve your pain, guaranteed.
Whether you return here or stay there, and I hope you will visit both often, you will get useful information that will ultimately help you beat your neck pain, back pain, and sciatica once and for all.
Professor John P. J. Zajaros, Sr.
Skype: johnzajaros1