Saturday, December 31, 2011

CNN-Best show people aren't watching? "Boss" with Kelsey Grammer. It is Grammer's best performance EVER! Starz on demand. I agree! Awesome!
If you missed CNN's All the Best & All the Worst of 2011? it's on at 10pm Eastern. It is hysterical! I was laughing outloud! So worth it!
Happy New Year to all of my social media friends! It's been an amazing year! Without you? It wouldn't have been possible! Thank you do much!
Quiet night at home! Our kids & grandkids are out for the evening. Watching Tina Turner on PalladiaHD! Tina can still rock the house! Quiet!
Busy day! Met with a client's employees to focus their social media presence. A mastermind group. Everyone is very excited! A fun 3 hours!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Don't forget to listen to this, it'll change your life if you apply it! Once you make it a habit, anything is possible!
Beginning Tuesday, there'll be several resources available to you, free. Join me! Contact me via @ Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Skype.
Do you want to start the year out right? Then this should be your 1st step! This ISN'T a solicitation! Awesome video!
Allie's getting the girls ready for the zoo. Dressed & ready, she turned her back for 5secs & I hear: "Brynn! Put your clothes back on!" Ha!
Busy day today! Have a super Friday! We're pushing a tough year out & welcoming in "something truly amazing!" 2001? Nah! Better, 2012!
Has anyone else had trouble deleting "tweets"? Ever since they changed the format, it is impossible to delete!
Extinction Threat: Save the Bookbinders! I bought a DODOcase @DODOsays It's gorgeous, very reasonable & saved 10%

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Last Easter, a client was in the hospital. I sent him a lily. He was plessed! No one else sent him anything! We laughed, he's still with me!
Too funny! AndersonCooper360 played a recording from a drunk texter who went Ina verbal rampage! She has a right in The Magnited Stakes!
I met a nice man today. He's my client & a friend now! The other firms told him what he needed, I talked to him & asked him what he wanted! success, there would be...more successful companies...Successful enterprises are built from the ground up. Lou Gerstner
Have a super day! With all the uncertainty in the world, 1 thing is absolutely certain: My social media friends have changed my life! Thanx!
The Fat Trap: I'm concerned about the kids! I've never seen so many fat kids. It certainly qualifies as an epidemic!
I thought when I left grad school I was done with all-nighters. Then, when I got sick I knew I was done! It is good to be wrong...and alive!
Dave Matthews Band "Break Free" (Live) Spotify The trumpet solo will pierce your soul! 3:30am Jammin' & lovin' it!
It's impossible to be too prepared for a presentation of any kind! Know your clients inside & out before ever walking into a presentation!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"I'm a Skinny Little Boy from Cleveland, Ohio" I kid around but it's awesome to take 1 or 2 away from "The Big Boys!"
@MajSuccess @aclu @BarackObama He's reached the Rubicon! If he fails to veto NDAA? If he compromises on even this? He loses the Presidency!
Everyone eats good in our family! (Full)Nelson the newest member!
WishList Member's Christmas promo! I own it, it's amazing! Super resource
Vince Gill on guitar & Sting in base! PalladiaHD right now. It doesn't get much better! Amazing duet!
Listening to Vince Gill & Stung on PalladiaHD...watching Brynn & Kailyn dance! A wonderful moment!
And then Brynnie showed me her beautiful tongue! Never a dull moment!
I had a visitor after my telephone call. The best of both worlds!
"Google's mobile year in review" Apple's iPad2(3?), other tablets & various mobile phones: Mobile will dominate 2012!
@LisaSawyer317 This clip says it all! ;-) Life is good! We'll talk this weekend!
Ugh! Like I said: "Start 2012 the Right Way: The Strangest Secret" Never blog posts in the a.m. if you're a p.m person!
John Osalvo @jojokejohn shared 1min music starts, 2:40 is a treat, 9:05 LOOK at the crowd! Video will DOMINATE 2012!
Amazing meeting with a new client today! I just love my life! Working with people intoxicated with "possibility of success" is intoxicating!
Sent the @GaryVee INC500 speech to several clients. They loved it! Several want to meet "yesterday" to talk! Fun!
Netflix’s Customer Satisfaction Drops, No Surprise But There’s a Silver Lining I usually agree w/#TREFIS Not this time!
"Problems should be solved on the spot....No frontline employee should have to wait for a supervisor's permission." Jan Carlzon ~ Ever!
Start 2011 the Right Way: The Strangest Secret If you conceive and believe? You will achieve!
"Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Again Top Most Admired List!" Look at where Newt is! This ain't over folks!
RT @VA_GOP "After verification...Newt Gingrich did not submit...10k signatures & has not qualified for the VA primary." ~ There is a GOD!
Ideas only succeed with good execution.
“The future will depend on what we do in the present.” Mahatma Gandhi
This you can play the guitar? Hendrix, Beck, Springsteen, Morello? This young lady can make it sing!
"Be kind because everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle!" Plato

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Getaway sings "The Wolf (Need You Here)" Give it a listen, tell me what you think? iTunes EP is awesome!
"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous." Ingrid Bergman
Brynnie just stops my heart, she's so precious! Her birth on YouTube & now look!
Kailyn's no longer a baby. So much more grown up than the profile picture!
P My pleasure my friend! We've been at this almost the same amount of time, connected from day 1 it would seem. Happy New Year!
@GaryVaynerchuk @GaryVee The next time in Cleveland, we'll have homemade split pea & ham & homemade lentil & ham soup all ready! Great book!
I've been saying all along, Social Media is chemistry: Connections→Relationships→Trust→Whatever Follows! GaryV Video
Rough morning. Minor health hiccup. Compared to 1998-2008? No worries! 3 calls from clients & prospective clients! All social media related!

Monday, December 26, 2011

@Mily116 @PRINCE_LOVEO6 Hello my friends! I hope your week's been a good one! TuffGuy's getting ready for our walk
Announcing Keyshia Cole at Lava Room Recording
R rated & BRILLIANT! I couldn't agree more with Gary V! Most social media users ARE like 19yr old dudes! GaryV Inc500
TuffGuy & I are watching OAR on Palladia after our walk & he steals my seat!
We're building an amazing weight loss site with a free, premium membership. Want to get a jump on 2012 & free ebook?
On my midnight walk w/TuffGuy I came up with 6 article/video topics, 2 killer ideas for clients & listened to 3 chapters of a new audiobook!
"Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom." Theodore Isaac Rubin
Oh yeah! If you walk every day you'll need less sleep, have more energy, & feel like a different person! Guaranteed! Start walking in 2012!
Walk everyday & I guarantee you'll be slim, have quality time to think & listen to audiobooks, & you'll never be short of great ideas!
Happy Boxing Day, Day of Goodwill, Second Christmas & St Stephen's Day to my social media friends everywhere!
"SOPA: the sad but honest....truth It threatens to change the course of the web's development, and not for the better."
@iamcbiz Happens to me all the time. I watched the Rock & Roll Hall Concert on Palladia today. So it's "The Ghost of Tom Goad" Go figure!
Gotta wake up The Little Man. TuffGuy loves to walk! Puggles are the coolest, most lovable little dogs! Mini-Mastiffs
Midnight! TuffGuy gave up! I got tied up setting up a new membership site! Weight Loss, Wellness, etc. I hope everyone had a super holiday!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Have a super evening! TuffGuy & I are heading out for our walk! Several ventures to get off the ground & I'll need the energy! Film at 11!
UII invested in membership site software! Plus, Premise & several other major enhancements! 2012 is going to be amazing for our clients! ;-)
Begin Your Weight Loss Commitment NOW! Lose Weight, Stop Back Pain, Control Type II Diabetes FREE premium membership!
"There is no passion to be found playing small, in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living" Nelson Mandela
Watching the Rock Hall's 25th Anniversary Concert! It never gets old! Jeff Beck can make his guitar sing right along with Sting. Amazing!
Brynnie discovered PEZ this Christmas! I'd load & she'd devour! Pure ecstasy...for both of us! Kailyn served rubber tacos. Hmmm?
Christmas '99 homelessness days away. I was fighting for my life. 10 years later I won. 2011 is a Christmas miracle!
Kailyn taking in Christmas morning! Notice the big picture? 3 1/2 years ago!
Merry Christmas everyone! Kailyn and Brynnie on video Christmas morning!
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from The Zajaros Family! Brynnie (winking) & Kailyn (hamming it up) for Grandpa!
8:15am Christmas morning & Kailyn just woke up! Brynnie is out to the world! They were so funny last night! Well, Brynn's up!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Waiting for everyone to get here! Watching CNN Heroes! Did you ever wonder what you could do to "Pay it Forward"? These people are DOING IT!
If you can watch "936 Weeks" & not be moved? Yet Another Year Goes By & '936 Weeks' is a Wonderful Journey!"
@ReikiAwakening Listening to Earth Wind & Fire's MegaMix 2000. Kailyn came upstairs. So of course we started a spontaneous boogie dance! ;-)
Puppies and Christmas Go Hand-in-Hand & Puggle Puppies and Christmas are a Real Treat! A few tips!
If you don't find this 2011 appropriate, you've been on the Moon! If it doesn't touch your heart? You're asleep!
Some who've made an impact @LisaSawyer317 @WendyHuffman @AFirmin @BillCrosby @JamesSchramko @MarcWarnke @ShawnRobinson & "The TwitterDads!"
100,000+ & I can't sing or swing my hips! Ha! I'd probably kill someone if I tried...or myself! Anyway, I wish all of you the very best!
It's impossible to tell 100K+ across the Internet & around the world how much you mean to us! Thank you so much & have an amazing holiday!
Want a REALLY cool gift for the science bug in your family? 2 microscopes retailing for $1100 & $900 are at Amazon for under $200! 8 left!
The things a little girl can teach us about life & love! This video is so appropriate for the times!
My oldest daughter, Allie with Justin! I'm so proud to be her Dad!
Best Buy is giving the iPhone 4 32GB with a 2yr contract! Verizon or AT&T & today only! Yes, I'm a BB's in store only!
I found the perfect gift for my wife! It expresses how I feel every time I hold her in my arms. Even after 28yrs!
Definition of a jerk: Someone who unsubscribes AND complains when they get a Christmas email! Last time it was Valentine's Day! No kidding!
CHALLENGE: Call the Salvation Army! Ask for the name of a family who didn't get a request for help in in time! Buy Christmas dinner & gifts!
I hear: "I wish the Christmas spirit would last throughout the year!" It's sad so many feel constrained to give of themselves just once a yr
I've never been prouder of my daughter, Allie! A wonderful mother & daughter! Now a successful businesswoman! How could a dad ask for more?
"Like" today! Ryan Berry is a man on a mission to do something he loves & help others at the same time!
As someone who works with amazing kids every day! Dave caught my attention & touched my heart, at 5:30am Christmas Eve!
Have a Wonderful Holiday - Ultimate Weight Loss Begins in 2012
@ILectureCPAs Let me know if I can help in any way. Happy holidays & best wishes Arthur! John
@ILectureCPAs I mean, the more coverage...the better. Some sites are irrelevant. But it's like throwing spaghetti on the wall. Some sticks!
@ILectureCPAs 4 sites will deliver max results!,, & Messaging & metrics! Watch overlap (for spam)!
Happy Holidays from TuffGuy & The Zajaros Family Watch for a series on bringing your Christmas Puggle into the family!
From Our Family to Your's: Merry Christmas~Happy Hanukkah~Happy Kwanzaa~Joyeux Noël~Feliz Navidad & Feliz Natal!

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Browns have got to win vs "The Old Browns" ~ Baltimore Ravens & our arch rival, Pittsburgh Steelers (sorry Lewis)! It's time, Go Browns!
Thinking about buying a microscope for a budding scientist? Amazon has awesome microscopes for as much as $800 OFF! A $1000 microscope $170!
Merry Christmas to my friends on the other side of the International Dateline! You're amazing! I hope Christmas, & 2012, are wonderful! John
I have amazing social media friends! I'll match them vs anyone's! You can't put a Score on how special they are to me. THAT'S what matters!
The Republicans have spent 4yrs establishing gridlock in Congress for 1 purpose: To get back the White House! Damn the economy & the public!
Remember the SURPLUS during Clinton's Presidency? Or that the economy TANKED during the Bush Admin? Democrat surplus or Republican disaster?
"Is Failure Overrated or Underrated as a Marketing Strategy" & a related quote from General George Patton.
Congrats to Fox 8's Best of 2011! While a bit like a high school popularity contest, our hats are off to the winners!
Interested in creating CDs/DVDs? Kunaki will do single/bulk orders. Artwork, packaging, mailing! Not affiliated Cheap!
"Customers Lovin’ the Free Bytes at McDonald’s" Trefis Looks like they've gotten beyond the limited login mindset!
Want to build a channel? Looking for UStream or on steroids? My businesses & my clients' will be here 2012!
I'm quite impressed with The Point. I'm just getting into it but it has real possibilities for increased efficiency!
Who are you to judge the life I live? I’m not perfect, don’t have to be! Before pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean. Bob Marley
Want to do something nice...just because? "Like" this FB page b/c it's about helping others! OCCUPYMOVEMENT OWS
The news this year has been so entirely negative. This short video just turns it all on its ear! Great casting!
Have you noticed how many Social Media "gurus" there are with, like, 26 followers? And that's across 5 Twitter & 2 FB pages! Scary stuff!
Welcome & Happy Holidays to those who followed me on my main Twitter page today. I don't check DMs. Send to @JohnZajaros & I'll respond! ;-)
I don't know why I bother outsourcing article writing! I just received 10 articles...pure garbage! Every time I try, I get cr#p! Argh!
“When we exist without thought or thanksgiving we are not men, but beasts.” M.F.K. Fisher (1908–1992) ~ One of my favorite quotes of 2011!
"Great hopes make everything great possible." Benjamin Franklin ~ The Reagle Beagle #1 with clients & friends!
Congrats to Anita Boutros & the rest of the The Reagle Beagle staff, Lakewood! 2011 Fox8 HotList Runner-Up Hair Salon
The last 2 days have been very special! I've heard from students & clients in person, by phone & text! Every hello much more than a gift!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I told my wife @ItsMelanieAmaro would win @TheXFactorUSA @JoshKrajcik would be the runner up based on recent Facebook activity! I was right!
"Evidence is conclusive that your self-talk has a direct bearing on your performance." Zig Ziglar
Apple getting spanked by Amazon's FIRE! Steve Jobs seems to have been mistaken about the 7" screen! Apple is bound to respond early 2012!
Comcast Updates: Verizon Deal Brings Quadruple Play & Mobile TV! Trefis Looks like a winner!
My students are amazing! Asking for MORE time during the break to be ready for exams, the ACT, & SAT! Gifted doesn't begin to describe them!
I'm so pleased to be working with The Getaway. Awesome guys! I'm going to help them make it! "I Want It So Bad"
"Top 25 Econsultancy guest posts of 2011" The funny thing? I agree, a lot of them are excellent. I must be mellowing!
"11 things Santa won't bring you this year" by Econsultancy & @andybetts1
Did you know Newt Gingrich is an alien? Did you ever watch "Men in Black"? If you have, then you know! He, Sly Stallone, & others! Ha!
Well, I made it for most of the show! To think I almost missed all this!
Life's precious moments with my girls! It really doesn't get any better!
Eat your hearts out all you young whipper-snappers! Ha! Like this's new? 2.5 million views?! Incredible!
“If a man can find a suitable & understanding wife & a woman can find a suitable & understanding husband, both are fortunate indeed.” Buddha
2011: So many highlights! My daughters grew into amazing young women, my granddaughters grow more adorable & my wife remains my best friend!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

"Welcome to PROskore: How It Works!" More validity & applicability...especially for Social Media professionals!
A single number can't tell you everything about a SM user's influence. I like PROskore's intereface more than Klout's
Just before Christmas I start to feel like this: Thank goodness for Brynn (2) & Kailyn (4) or it'd be permanent!
I mentioned @JonMorrow & Guestblogging. Jon has something new just ahead. I don't endorse ANYTHING I don't believe in!
Jon Morrow's Guestblogging course is awesome Highly recommended! @JonMorrow is a driving force at Copyblogger!
Did you know Newt Gingrich is an alien? Did you ever watch "Men in Black"? If you have have, then you know! Ha!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

60 Minutes Shame on the banks & City of Cleveland! Foreclosing & tearing down homes when people are desperate is criminal! OccupyMovement
With the holidays upon us & a new year ahead, I'm immensely grateful to have shared the past year with each & every one of you, my friends!

Friday, December 16, 2011

"Asking questions will get you the performance you are after far better than dictating demands." Dan James
“The difficult is what takes a little time; the impossible is what takes a little longer.” Fridtjof Nansen, Explorer & Nobel Prize Winner
"If you want to get the best out of a person you must look for the best that is in him." Bernard Haldane

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"The most powerful element in advertising is the truth." William Bernbach
Another big launch is underway. Over the past 3yrs I've witnessed so many. Launches are like trains, there'll be another along in 10mins!
Kailyn & Brynnie creating Rice Krispie Marshmallow Treats! The genius is in the details! Very cute!
Chef Brynnie supervising the application of sprinkles, rosy cheeks & all. Such a crucial final step. Happy times!
Seth Godin's Blog~Assorted tips, hope they help @ThisIsSethsBlog Good advice! #s 1, 2 & definitely 12! TuffGuy agrees!
Seth Godin @ThisIsSethsBlog "WATCH THIS" A poke at the notion that "All publicity is good publicity" Charlie? Lindsay?
Hugh MacLeod @gapingvoid has a business card that asks: "Have you hugged your client today?" I wish I could because I have amazing clients!
“One's feelings waste themselves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results.” Florence Nightingale
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." Bill Cosby

Monday, December 12, 2011

"Saudi woman beheaded for practising 'sorcery'" Horrifying!
Newsmax is an online 21st Century yellow journalism rag. Talk about selling a far right-wing agenda wrapped in a slick marketing campaign!
“We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.” Marie Curie said glowingly! ;-)
BTW, you need to view this full screen to get the complete impact! I did NOT allow this!
Yes, I got carried away with the arrows. But if this doesn't SCARE you?
So busy! Several clients going into overdrive & more onboard. Attitude & determination! Know a different you in 30Days!
“If America is the pursuit of happiness, the best way to pursue happiness is to help other people.” George Lucas ~ yes...Yes...YES...YESSSS!
Incredible meeting w/a new client last night! Sat down to dinner at 10pm, such is my life. Fell asleep sitting up...back at it 2:30am. TGIM!
Lava Room Recording and the Ohio City Singers - Live

Sunday, December 11, 2011

In today's economy? Businesses can not "play it safe" & "ride it out!" "You can't force the market" WAS the mantra! Play it safe now & RIP!
Just had an amazing meeting ~Skype~ with new clients! It's incredibly exciting when a client is willing to burn their ships to succeed! Fun!
Watch out kids, MP3 Skype Recorder also offers a Spy Skype Recorder for parents (free & paid)! You gotta love the Brits, right 007? Ha!
Wasted a day with Pamela! Call recording software that's "supposed to work" with Skype. Then I found MP3 SkypeRecorder FREEWARE! Geez!
Downloaded "Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" & "Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard" Audible Platinum~Cool!
Santa steps up his game as the population hits 7 billion!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

RT @RichardBejah ...I've learned over the accept each other's faults Always Interesting!
Hats off IMAutomator! Rather than trying to "figure out" a glitch, they immediately fixed it & I remain a loyal client!
@LA_Reid @NicoleScherzy @SimonCowell @PaulaAbdul @TheXFactorUSA So many are disappointed about Rachel's leaving (cont)
Great song Selvo! I have a lot of Brazilian Twitter friends. I'm sure they like this one too! @FaC_Selvo @IvoPessoa
@gapingvoid Hi Hugh! Can you tell me what software you're using for your "Hello Bar"? It's nice without being overwhelming or intrusive. JZ
TuffGuy is a Hit Online: Find Out Why Puggles are a Hit with Dog Owners!
"The Rain, The Park and Other Things" by The Cowsills circa 2008~Funny thing? This was playing on iTunes just now! Ha!
"Character is much easier kept than recovered. " Thomas Paine ~ It takes 1 misstep-1 miscue! Guard it carefully & work very hard to keep it!
"Successful people look for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people ask: "What's in it for me?" Brian Tracy ~ YES!!!!
Kailyn the Vampire Princess is a huge hit! Puppies & children get more traffic than Apple, Coke, & Pepsi! Funny!
I love these business cards! By Hugh MacLeod of @gapingvoid
Grandchildren are God's way of thanking parents for surviving round 1!

Friday, December 9, 2011

"Good night Mrs Calabash, wherever you are!" Jimmy Durante | BTW, check out my blog's sidepanel about 1/2 way down! ;-)
I purchased a Hugh MacLeod @gapingvoid signed print. The cards were a "suggestive sale!""
Nickelback - Animals (Live In Atlanta) You have GOT to turn this one up!
Gotta work tonight. I have to listen to some great local bands at Peabody's. Then, I have to meet with clients. I have such a hard life. Ha!
"Listening to For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Metallica! I gotta think Hemmingway would be pleased! Rocked the 25th Anniv Rock Hall Concert!
VERY cool! I'm an affiliate for WishListMember. They sent Amazon gift certificates for Christmas! Awesome product too!
@TheXFactorUSA Shame on you! The pressure? The JUDGES can't handle it! How can a 13 or 14yr old child? FOR MONEY? That show broke my heart!
Kailyn & Brynn came up to give me the morning update. Of course Brynn was as close to naked as she can get away with...more gray hair ahead!
Very Cool! Jason Mraz -I'm Yours (live) I guess you could say my taste is varied? Eclectic?
@stacylbalzen To you too Tex! Have a great day!
This could be the anthem for The Occupy Movement! Not surprising that it'd come out of Reggae! OWS OccupyMovement
1 interception late in the game, 3 points almost assured & a 1 pt game w/in reach. What do the Brown's do? Incredible! They fell apart fast!
Twitter is EVOLVING! They're doing it right. Very simple, extremely interesting, engaging changes are coming...SOON!
Snow in Cleveland. A dusting...but...... Oh well, I guess it had to happen!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

@LewisHowes BTW, I thoroughly enjoyed your book "LinkedWorking: Generating Success on the World's Largest Professional Networking Website"
@LewisHowes OK, the gloves are off tonight! Go Browns! Funny, Browns v Steelers has the muscle to push TheXFactorUSA to 11pm here!
1 of my favorite sites & I didn't create it! The work was done by an amazing friend & associate of mine! @LisaSawyer317
I've rarely seen Connie smile like that, it's wonderful...thanks to Matt Smith, DDS!
Tried to buy software Mon & was blown off after failing. They just emailed me. They want my vote 4 Social Media Examiner's best-of contest!
My big 2012 purchase will be this camcorder & the best teleprompter under $2500 Canon USA Consumer & Home Office XF305
Gonna give Google a shot because Skype can be a real nightmare! Great features, terrible billing & support issues!
In a Skype, Pamela, PayPal quagmire! PayPal often flags international transactions. Making Skype a real waste of time all the way around!
Waiting for Connie to get finished at the dentist! Awesome dentist in Lakewood. But I'll be glad to have it all over will she!
There's a wonderful organization in Cleveland & they really need your help year! Providence House is for kids only!
Why I won't be watching the NBA...ever: They could care less about the fans. Yup, that about covers it! Oh yeah! And poor, poor LeBron!
Had an amazing session with a client! Talked about everything BUT what we were supposed to. Spent time building a relationship...very cool!
@InternetVIZ This tells the story better that I can in 140 characters. Hope you like it! Thanks for asking Hank!
"4 Rules to Understand Before Starting a Small Business" I came across David's blog & have been reading it ever since!
Cleveland, check out Sky Vision Centers. Dr @DarrellWhite is a very cool guy practicing in Westlake! Check him out!
“Obstacles cannot bend me. Every obstacle yields to effort.” Leonardo da Vinci
Should you find yourself in a leaking boat, energy spent changing boats is more productive than energy spent patching leaks! Warren Buffett
I absolutely adore all 6 of "The Z Girls!" Connie Allie Kayleigh Emily Kailyn & Brynnie! They're my 1 thing! Family
I love concept cars & I never understood why they weren't made. Check out this one! VERY COOL!
My latest creation. A labor of love! It isn't complete but I like it! Worked all night for Allie & Allie's Sweet Tooth!
Facebook is irritating & SOME HS "friends" can be ____! I rarely invite anymore. 1st time I do? I get a FB "slap!" Classmate w/Alzheimer's??
Law & Order SVU was heartbreaking & Treat Williams was amazing! So many retired NFL players suffer late in life from debilitating conditions

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Played Jim Collins' "Great by Choice" for a client. Chapter 2: The lessons learned from the Amundsen & Scott race/disaster to the S Pole!
@TheXFactorUSA I never thought I'd say this! I'll buy recordings made by Melanie Amaro & Josh Krajcik! They're STARS! They're all talented!
"Box CEO Aaron Levie: To Create Something Exceptional, Do Sweat The Small Stuff" via @fastcompany ~ Great point!
@marycbarkley I have a meeting with a client in 5 minutes. I sent my invitation via LinkedIn. I'm happy to add you!
@marycbarkley Frankly, Klout shot themselves in the feet. Yup, both of them! The "improved" KloutScore seems wildly fictitious for some!
@marycbarkley There's an interesting article written by Hollis Tibbetts (1 of the good guys) re Klout & "opting out!"
AlliesSweets Allie's Sweet Tooth offers an array of specialty items: Leg Lamp gift sets! Sooo good...enjoy!
Egypt, the Beginning or the End?
“Obstacles cannot bend me. Every obstacle yields to effort.” Leonardo da Vinci
Seth Godin’s "Linchpin" or Michael Gerber’s "E-Myth"? In other words: "Linchpin" or "The E-Myth" Your Own Map or...
Sleeping Giants Discovered~Largest black holes ever measured found in "nearby" galaxies. NSF astronomy blackholes

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

@mattsparks88 Localization: the next big to-do for mobile app developers? Re: The link between local marketing & apps.
"Groupon to be investigated by Office of Fair Trading" ~ This is going to get much worse!
The major drawback to working at home is very real lack of privacy. Privacy is essential. Consequently, an offsite office may be necessary!
Mastering discipline & the arts, Seurat's "Sunday Afternoon On The Island Of Grand Jatte" was painted 1 point at a time
"Take Me Back To Georgia" Climax Blues Band ~ Saw them in '73 at CWRU!
I'm genuinely impressed with PROscore. Yes, it's an alternative to Klout. But it's also a SM hub & a lead resource!
"How (and Why) to Stop Multitasking" Peter Bregman & the Harvard Business Review
Never a dull moment! Brynnie The Fairy Princess makes an appearance!
I have the most amazing clients, both students & inbound marketing clients!
If this doesn't get every muscle pumpin'? Every blood cell in your body flowin'? Well, RIP!
John turned me on to Brian Culbertson a few weeks ago. I love his music! @jojokejohn Have a good one everyone!
Breaking Benjamin Evil Angel Video~City Of Angels. Awesome soundtrack &movie!
بمشيئة الله we will all act as brothers! Great video guys! Fun to watch FalafelNPepsi Interesting name!

Monday, December 5, 2011

So much for PROskore! Bumped to 73. 3mins later 59. The bump came after an update, then disappeared! Upgrade bait? Klout's STILL way off!
"You'll never plow a field, turning it over in your mind." Irish Proverb

Sunday, December 4, 2011

This is worth a moment...particularly when stressed. Amazingly beautiful music! Enjoy the 4 bass of Gustaf Fjelstrom

Saturday, December 3, 2011

FB Privacy? "Access my basic ID...any other info...I've made data when I'm not using the app..." Wow!
Here's a very cool site: "Easily Publish Gorgeous Magazines" for FREE! I'm NOT affiliated w/any of these products today!
Apologies if anyone feels the product suggestions constitute spam! The AppSumo offerings are such incredible savings: 87%? Free? So be it!
US jobless rate drops to 2-1/2yr low I hope we've turned a corner & Obama is reelected b/c Republicans have....Newt?!?
Reagan reelected after unemployment peaked at 10.8 then declined to 7.4% by election day Rate down 1.5% ~ 2 1/2yr low!
Chocolate & peanut butter cookie dough! Better than a Reese PB Cup!
Santa Claus has already come to Allie's Sweet Tooth on Facebook!
Know a "RockStar"? Allie's Sweet Tooth on FB!
The buckeyes are amazing! Check out Allie's FB page
The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund Make a difference in someone's life. You'd be surprised how wonderful it feels!
Apologies! I misspoke. After much research, I'm certain the SlideDeck Premium Web Slider is a valuable feature! SEO WP jQ SlideDeckPro

Friday, December 2, 2011

"The End of a Fantasy: A Study on the Decay of Gingerbread Castle & Wheatsworth Mills" Very interesting Frank!
@MortalDEElight You're right! Egyptians who didn't vote are subject to a $83 fine (500 pounds). Coercion pollutes the entire process!
The talking head for The Hershey School claims they're a "unique environment" & justified! CNN Bigotry Ignorance AndersonCooper360
Church members demonstrate bigotry & ignorance at the same time The Hershey School does! Different issues SAME behavior! SHAME on both!
I believe the hope expressed by 8+ million Egyptians can't be diminished. However, serious issues MUST be addressed!
Egypt 62% vote! 8.5 million vote. Regardless of your politics & that of the winners, you can't argue with the process! Very inspiring!
Don't ya love that democratic church? 9-6 & you can't play or pray? Keep the faith Stella. Seriously! Ignorance & bigotry are despicable!
Carrier iQ is capturing EVERYTHING on MILLIONS of mobile phones! Now what do you think about privacy? CNN CarrieriQ
Tumblr has experienced a boost in popularity! I'm setting up several blogs for clients & for myself. Opinions?
Brynn loves The Lord of the Rings! 2 & she has a lot of the dialogue memorized. Scary smart! The Hobbit out in 2012! We're reading it 1st!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Anderson Copper & CNN addressing legalized "insider trading" in Congress & the moves to outlaw it! Following up 60 Minutes report of 11-13!
Carrier iQ may be capturing EVERYTHING on your cell! Have a cell phone? Find out if your's is being monitored. MILLIONS are! CNN CarrieriQ
Slide deck is en vogue. Slidedeck is the new flash...not a great traffic builder & almost ZERO SEO value! Good luck! Pretty...& no traffic!
CNN next: "Under Surveillance" will reveal who is listening in...even recording your text messages! Still think privacy isn't an issue?
"It's going to be Newt & not Newt!" Newt Himself. I capitalized Himself b/c Newt has coronated Himself! Many have forgotten the Real "newt!"
I swear! There are times when CNN interviewing our leaders in Congress is scarier than a Stephen King movie! Super Committee? Hardly!
Sounds like the gloves just came off. Time to play Mills Lane & referee the fight! My grandchildren can be rough with each other...phew!
I've posted advice re making money. I know it's tough right now. There's money in 1000s of projects! Best wishes to all
Set up a profile at Freelancer Then copy/paste to the other freelance sites. BID aggressively. Work hard. Make money!
The Entrepreneurial Trilogy: Tweets, Texts & the Lost Art of Writing Can you write? Then you can make MONEY today!
Brynnie is clearing her lungs! She can screEEAAAAMMMM! 1st floor to my office on the 3rd! She's relentless & incredibly bright. Scary smart!
"17 Alternatives to Klout" "There is no single number that can really be universally useful." ~ YES!
Allie & Brynn (red cheeks) crashed due to the flu. Kailyn (now 4) captured it. Cute!
For the DOW to close -25.65 is amazing considering the jump yesterday. It'll be interesting to see what tomorrow brings! Might get bumpy!
That made my day! An email from WishListProducts WishListMember A Christmas commission. The secret to making money online? PERSISTENCE :)
TWITTER @Spam If they have 0-2-5 tweets? Usually a spammer. No image? Spammer. Warning: There've been a TON of spam pages set up this week.
Use of laptops connected to internet thru Wi-Fi decreases human sperm motility...increases sperm DNA fragmentation
In the past: "I spend 1/2 my life on hold!" Now? "I spend 1/2 my time in doctor's offices!" Something's definitely amiss...but I'm still here!
DON'T follow the advice of the self-professed, Internet marketing "gurus" w/o doing your homework 1st! Google, WP, Twitter, FB slap HARD!
Take care setting up Wordpress.COM sites. You may be banned for Terms of Service violations is you use it for commercial purposes! Use .ORG!
TubeMogul is only free for noncommercial accounts! Business accounts have to pay. TrafficGeyser is a better solution, hands down! Be careful
Clients ask me about TubeMogul's free service. The one's who have ignored my warnings or came to me after-the-fact are suspended or banned!