Monday, May 31, 2010

Sales trainer Eric Taylor raised a point about lip service & Memorial Day. Got me to think about message & meaning!
Got a nice Memorial Day email from a friend. I remember the time I spent in the hospital. Please remember those who didn't come home at all!
LOVE the things I can do for clients with Studiopress! Take a look at this Look at it thru PicLens! Talk about IMPACT!
A freelance outsourcing company actually delivering quality work on time would be busy 24/7! Seems no one wants to work...hard! An idea?!
Hired a "freelancer" to get some work done over 2wks ago, allowing for delays, I thought a 4 day completion cushion would be enough! Wrong!
OK that's it! Vistaprint has gone down for good! What a system! Free stuff, then charge 100 bucks to get it delivered in less than a month!
Memorial Day! Let's remember those who've paid the ultimate price in the name of freedom. Veterans hate war! But tyranny & oppression more!
Happy Memorial Day to my fellow veterans! Especially to fellow Disabled American Veterans! Kind of an exclusive bunch, huh? Remember!
It's 4:40am & I'm calling it a night! Working on a client's marketing campaign! LOVE what you can do with Studiopress themes & images! Wow!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

TuffGuy goes into separation anxiety every time we leave the house! Worse than a kid!
Off to buy a lawn mower! Connie does the lawn mowing at our house. One of the things carrying over from the back pain days, I guess!? ;-)~

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Trivia: Did you know that .tv isn't for "television!" Although it's used for it, it's actually the Internet country code for Tuvalu Islands!
Want a great laugh? 3 videos from Andrew Cavanagh. They're part of a broader copywriting message but they are SO funny!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Been working on an article, comparing results for various "guru" names, looking at their niche, message, methodology, etc~Very enlightening!
Google Alerts today! Exponential growth every day! Persistent, consistent messages & quality content leads to success!
Received 2 amazing emails in the last 24hrs! Every time I think I'm banging my head against the wall, I'm reminded why I love this business!
“Leaders do not avoid, repress, or deny conflict, but rather see it as an opportunity.” Warren Bennis

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

An article has bouncing around in my head for days. I usually let ideas set. If they're good, they stick & I act upon them~guess I'll write!
Mentioned a well-known direct response marketing guru's name to a prospective client today & he said, "Who?" Sometimes we assume too much!
Remember when "Alternative" music actually was? I mean, at the end of the dial? Now look! Now think about inbound, "new media" marketing!
Finally got home. Dreary night, cold & wet! Typical for Ohio & great for ducks! The nice thing? I'll wait 5 mins & the weather will change!

Monday, May 17, 2010

TuffGuy is like my kids used to be! He wants to go out not realizing it's cold & rainy. He's relentless! So, I'll let him learn for himself!
Great explanation of the whole duplicate content issue/debate! Pat Marcello does a super job with it!
Mike Koenig's (TrafficGeyser) wife, Vivian Glyck is doing God's work & needs our help! Do what you can but do something
Christmas time! Received 2 new Disabled American Veterans (DAV) t-shirts! Super deal, super cause! Life member decal for the car window too!
Google Alerts is amazing! This video, created July 2 '09! STILL making the rounds! 1000s of cumulative views! Viral!
Sore! Driving, walking with TuffGuy every night (5miles) & redoing the rest of the 1st floor! Cincinnati is as overcast as Cleveland today!?
Dan Thies is an expert in developing info products & in SEO. Dan's offering an absolutely FREE 12wk course! NO strings!
Written, edited & submitted more articles in the last 2wks than in the last 6! Video is rockin' too! Fun stuff! Soccer!
Ordered: "Turning Silver into Gold: How to Profit in the New Boomer Marketplace" Ordered another resource last month! Still waiting....ARGH!
“Life is luck, make it.” Mother Teresa~There's a great story about @TonyRobbins & Mother Teresa! He's an amazing man & does much for others!
Have you been around Web 2.0? Some of the sites are super! We get a bit myopic but there are some great ones! Nice hub
Seth Godin is right! Spend 1000s developing new clients or spend a $10 to tell someone you value their business!
It's incredible how many social media sites I've profiles on! This isn't half of it & it grows daily! Amazing really!
Google Chrome's come so far but lately it's beginning to remind me of the Google Chrome of old! Constant crashes! It's why I avoid Mozilla!
People talk about social, in terms of marketing. Relationship, in terms of marketing. Internet, in terms of marketing! How do people fit in?
It's a funny thing about this do-over I've been granted, I feel like a young kid again. Twenty something & the whole world my oyster! Again!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

After listening to "The Dip" I think I have to reword my "don't quit" admonition. We DO have to distinguish between "The Dip" & a dead end!
Back from our walk! 4.5miles! Listened to most of Seth Godin's "The Dip." 1 hr 33 min audiobook. Just about right. TuffGuy's beat, out cold!
Just popped up from one of the good guys! Jim Cockrum has provided super advice all along! He's the genuine article!
A last thought! Success is, of course, relative. All this stuff about success being easy? It's not! But then, what in life worth having is?
9pm in God's Country! 59 degrees & TuffGuy is bouncing off the walls! Walking early tonight. Gonna record a post for 1 of my blogs! See ya!
Article submissions daily! Video submissions daily! Blog posts daily! Tweets & social media posts daily! Dynamo effect!
Created 253 social media memberships! Links~Videos~Posts~Daily~Multiply Xs 365! 27,200 results just for "John Zajaros" 1yr! Don't quit guys!
We think of life commencing when we leave school, when we start a family. We actually begin life anew each & every day! Better prepared too!
Filling in the loose edges in social media. Upgrading memberships of ones found especially useful. Creating a system for client marketing!
Finished updating a new social hub! AMAZING what you can accomplish in a year!
Whoops! Promised I'd pick Connie up! Took "The Boys" out & almost lost track of time! Gorgeous day in Ohio! Gotta run or I'll get shot! Ugh!
"The secret of business...these to focus relentlessly on your unfair advantage, the thing you do that others don't." J Rollwagen
Worst part of working at home? Always at work! Very hard to shut things off, unplug & unwind. Always something to do! I have a tough boss!
Listening to Seth Godin's "Meatball Sundae." Love the insights. Well worth the "read" & should be required for EVERY marketing consultant!
Walk for 2hrs Friday night in Lakewood! The doormen & bouncers were happy to see TuffGuy & the cute girls still wanted to pet him. No way!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Well, my audiobook has been downloaded & my FlipMinoHD & mini recorder are charged. Off for a walk! Never know when an idea may hit! CYA!
With this video platform you can create whatever sort of feel you desire! I guess mine is a celebration of life
TuffGuy is waiting! Amazing how dogs know the time! 11:40pm he comes to see if we are going yet, as we both gained weight this past winter!
Some marketing via social media is fine but when someone throws links up & doesn't even bother to connect or say hello? That spam is blocked
My Kailyn gave Buca di Beppo's linguine frutti di mare a shot! Fried calamari appetizer! Mussels & squid! 3yrs old & chowing down! So fun!
"One often hears the remark 'He talks too much.' But when did anyone last hear the criticism 'He listens too much'?" Norman Augustine
Jeff Herring is clearly among the best at online marketing, establishing himself as an authority on article marketing!
Peeked into the bedroom! Connie & TuffGuy are all wrapped up together, TuffGuy snoring away! She'd kill me if I took a picture! Ha! Maybe...
I've written & submitted more articles in the last 30days than I have in the last 12mos! Now it's time for even more videos! All for clients
This may be old news but sign up for Goggle Alerts, see how fast what you say is tracked! Facebook~That's a REAL issue!
Love the Barbie car story Randy! Only in the UK! Well....maybe not! Gonna get in trouble with friends across the pond!
So glad I joined Randy Cassingham's "This is True!" It's the 2nd best laugh I have all week! Sorry Randy~Grandkids 1st!
I received an article: "Internet Marketing Using Only Article Marketing" My response: WHY?! Would you play soccer with 1 leg if you have 2?
I love this picture! Just one Tough Guy! Reminds me of my buddy, TuffGuy!
There's much debate over blogging for business. Interestingly, many of the people who call business blogs lame~use them

Friday, May 14, 2010

Got a bunch of emails today from friends! It only took a second to tell them they're important to me!
Why's outsourcing a PAIN! This was from a person applying for an article writing position! "I m very serious with evry assignments...." Yup!
“Well done is better than well said.” Benjamin Franklin
Seth Godin is brilliant! "Don Quixote Didn't Ship!" ["Quijote" Mr Godin? I will look that one up] You DO ship!
"Confidence...thrives only on honesty...on honor...on sacredness of obligations...on faithful protection & on unselfish performance." FDR
To succeed you have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes a reality. Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop
Major thunderstorms here on Northern Ohio! Second round in a few days! Heck, it isn't even 2012 yet! Where's John Cusack when you need him?!
5 articles 6 blog posts 4 videos 2 appts 75 direct mail pieces! TuffGuy is snoring & I'll be soon! Still waiting for that 4Hr Workweek! Ha!!
Weight Loss after Pregnancy: The Before and After Effect!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Its funny how many of life's lessons you can stumble upon in a day if you pick your head up! Social media & loneliness!
I love soccer! Started in the 4th grade, got away from it & then my kids started playing. Strength training is an issue
Are you concerned about my success? NO! The frame of reference should always be what can I do to help YOU! Most gurus have is bass-ackwards!
Someone with a big list tells how HE's done great things. He has! What can WE do? ONE article, ONE day, already viral!
What is Inbound Marketing and Why is it Essential to my Offline Business Survival?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"The test of success is not what you do when your on top. Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom." Patton~SO TRUE!
“When you stop taking chances, you'll stay where you sit. You won't live any longer, but it'll feel like it”
I'm not a groupie! This man's work is always engaging & thought provoking! I've read everything Seth Godin has written!
The Bad Back Guy is now The Healthy Back Guy: Lose Your Back Pain! Blog post & video!
This one is sure to tick off the PLR folks! Hey, I calls 'um likes I sees 'um! Can you tell I've been up too long?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

TuffGuy & I on a stormy day! I'm writing for clients & he's breaking in my new office, my shadow! Turn up the volume!
Trapped in the nightmare that is OUTSOURCING?! This solves it once & for all! If you too are tired of the MESS? Try it!
It's overcast & dreary here in Cleveland. Rainy & dark. Looking at Bart & TuffGuy lounging around I'm thinking it might not be so bad today!
Like seafood? Eat a lot of fish? Not after you watch this video! WOW!
Each day is Groundhog Day! Think about it! Have you seen the movie? Lots of laughs & one HUGE lesson!
1:20am writing my 3rd article. Tough to find good writers, so I do it! I get Google Alerts & it all pays off virally!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Unless you're on the Moon? If you're in marketing you've seen this or you're familiar with the concept! Super & Timely!
Nat Geo has gone over the top with this! Sure to be "fuel" for the idea engines in Hollywood! Armageddon to the 10th!
Love the movie Groundhog Day! Murray at his best! Combine it with The Twilight Zone & Life? You have a great article?!
John Reese's program is playing up the #1 problem with outsourcing...reliability! Excuses, bad product, the works! A NIGHTMARE! We'll see!
Perfection of character is this: to live each day as if it were your last, without frenzy, without apathy, without pretense. Marcus Aurelius
My friend & the man who convinced me that SOC was a must for my business can help anyone in sales, amateur or pro!
For what is the best choice? For each individual it is the highest possible for him to achieve. Aristotle
Started this article~Let it sit~Decided I liked it~Started writing again. Hope you like it! Groundhog Day, Life & Stuff

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Connie's out like a light! LOVED her new grill. Subtle hints like 3 brochures re:high-end grills on my desk in the days before Mother's Day!
If you struggle with content or backlinks, or both? This has it knocked! These guys nailed it with this one! Well done!
I'm so glad I bought into this program! It took meeting the right person, trusting him & giving it a shot! GREAT stuff!
Back from Home Depot! Home improvement's version of WalMart. BIG GRILL! Connie's in Heaven! Ran to the grocery store for steaks~Christening!
Gotta run! Taking my wife to pick out her Mother's Day gift! A grill! Go figure~She uses it A LOT & has been hinting for weeks! Grill it is!
I created this for a client, it's how I feel about my wife! I know many of you are blessed as well! Happy Mother's Day!
I purchased this a while back but was so busy I neglected it! Now I'm kicking myself! It's awesome for biz & personal!
Of course I HAD to put the Pug in there! I used my family for inspiration. I guess I was speaking to them too! Enjoy!
Happy Mother's Day! I made this for a client but it can be said for all the moms out there! You are amazing!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This email MADE my day~"Thank you so much for teaching him the skills he needs not only to get thru his math class but in life as well"~Wow!
Order a frame for Mother's Day & UII will Send Out a Card & gift too! Just for giving this offer a try! Awesome offer!
A picture is worth a thousand words! What about a picture WITH words!? This one speaks volumes!
Posted 2 projects: Guru & Scriptlance for US residents due to language demands. Who applied? India~Pakistan~Nigeria! US! Bad economy? Not 1!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Upgraded this Mother's Day video to hi-res! I love it...but then I am biased!
I really love what I do! This was a FUN video to create for one of my favorite clients! They're ALL my favorite clients
"The superior man blames himself. The inferior man blames others." Don Shula AMEN!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Donated $100 to this today! Come on folks match it! This's what it's all about! PAY IT FORWARD! These kids are worth it
@goacanow You didn't follow? Hmmm! All kidding aside, you are the 1st company to answer when I have asked about a service online! Well done!
Got an incredible idea for a funeral home I'm working with thanks to inspiration from GKIC! 1 idea will be worth 10s of 1000s to my client!
I am shot! Long day started at 1:30am writing articles & finishing up an ebook! This video was fun, though! I'm cooked!
I love putting together videos for my clients! But if you could've seen me a year ago? Just trying to put together a simple slideshow? Wow!!
Here are kids who don't get many breaks & not a lot of people seem to care either! It'd be nice if you'd join me & help
Anyone know a reliable secretarial/phone answering service near Cleveland? I'd like to stay local! For lots of reasons~Reply to @JohnZajaros
This is a worthy cause! I know, they all are! But what do we say to kids who just don't have it? To a dedicated teacher
Busy Monday! We painted the rest of the office. New carpet in this morning & a ton of work done! Even wrote an article at 1:30am! Good start
KIDS need 4 cameras & a supplies. The teacher is a Cleveland area educator honored for his work! Please match my gift!
WE spend money on soda~fancy coffees~cigarettes & booze (not me!)~& whatever! This teacher's KIDS NEED US! Please help!
Got some awesome video of Brynn's 1st birthday party & the cake moment! Priceless! Office is trashed! Carpet in the morning. Thank goodness!
Sat down to review a few things, got an idea, & an article is born. Editing tomorrow a.m. & then "submitted for your approval!" Long day!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I've room for 2 more people. I'll help you build your business. Just read this & then take advantage of the offer! John
As far as I know the doors are still open for MSMM. Call 440-821-7018 if you want more info NO strings! Read this 1st!
People called me until after 1amEST last night to find out more about my offer! Wow! Needless to say, it's a good one!
Think you can't succeed online? Take a look at the sites on the 1st 2pgs of Google for the keywords of interest! If they can, then you can!
Inbound marketing firm's site: "xxxx.COM is pound to offer you the best!" Another had links to nowhere! Business clients deserve excellence!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Read the blog post. If you're interested. I'll take calls 440-821-7018 until 2amEST I know others are making a similar offer. No strings!
Tried to call about my offer & couldn't get through? You aren't alone! This offer is available for a VERY limited time!
Do other marketers get aggravated when you see some of the "stuff" created for businesses? I mean "stuff" in the nicest way, of course! Argh
LOVE when a client likes what I've created! The multiple takes before the video worked are worth it! Called it "Slick!"
How many thought of this? I learned something from "Dr Dent!" Mirrors my experience & makes perfect sense! Great video!
"The future has several names...for the weak, it's impossible...fainthearted, unkown...thoughtful & valiant, it's the ideal." Victor Hugo