Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Viral" is often cumulative! I get several Google Alerts a day for videos & articles created 1-2+ yrs ago! 1 example:
Had a bug the last couple of days. It seems early for flu season but I work with so many people. Glad to be done with it early in the year!
I've started integrating this into my email marketing, to increase blog subscribers. It's simple & effective. Awesome!
Mail a letter for pennies! Then the govt spends billions bailing out corps but turns down a 5.6% USPS hike? Silliness!
"My father taught me that reputation, not money, was the most important thing in the world." William Rosenberg

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Email of the day! A client I've had for a year ended our 1st year together up 157%! Talk about rewards! It's the intangibles! I love it!
“Blessed is the man who, having nothing
to say, abstains from giving us wordy evidence
of the fact.” George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) (1819–80)
The 2010 Gold Rush is on. Gold is up big time, same as in the early '80s. EVERY con artist got busy then & now they have the web! BEWARE!
A bit of a bug seems to be going around. But I got an super pick-me-up just now. A new client will do that! Have a super evening everyone!
I almost NEVER offer products via social media any more but this's a SUPER way to build your subscriber base ethically!
Tired of the videos you have to listen to all the way thru to get the message? They're inconsiderate & a waste of time! I delete them all!
Finally, we'll offer advice on how to build a subscriber base in a friendly & ethical manner! Fast! Watch for it!
The Inbound Marketing Week in Review will feature marketing blunders to avoid & how we are building links, ethically!
Watch for a new, more comprehensive Inbound Marketing Week in Review Thursday & our free ebook for subscribers 10-7!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Gotta love Google! Newest site is already at #2 on Page 1 for extremely competitive keywords! Once you know the secret, it's a snap!
"A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks other have thrown at him." David Brinkley

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Had a wonderful meal last night! Luxe Kitchen & Lounge, 66th & Detroit in Cleveland! 2 years ago I was in the hospital! Life is so great!
I've an appointment tonight with a new client. Part of me says no! Success isn't always about doing what's easier & appealing in the moment!
Doggy ESP! Working intently I hear a snort, turn & there's TuffGuy staring at me. Guess what he has to do? Time for a walk. I'm trained!
Can you imagine a rest owner expecting a boost in traffic? Instead the person responsible for distributing them trashed them! Happens often!
Mktg Mayhem! Walked TuffGuy 2:45am Fliers for a local restaurant all over! In the street, on the sidewalk, lawns. I'll return those saved!
2:25am & the streets are empty. No real fear & nothing to worry about. Small town America. Most doors are unlocked & people sleep well! Nice
Wonderful walk! I love Ohio in Autumn! TuffGuy will sleep well now & I'll be up for hours. Time to write & get a head start on the week!
Had a super meal! Luxe Kitchen & Lounge with Connie! Really a pleasure. We came home & fell asleep! Content~Now? Midnight walk with TuffGuy!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

"If I had to select one quality...that I regard as being...correlated with success...I would pick the trait of persistence." Richard DeVos
Gladwell's The Tipping Point is interesting. I liked Outliers & Blink more. The Tipping Point offers a useful & interesting perspective!
Great walk! I feel the strain in my back from the inactivity, extra weight & all. TuffGuy was in Heaven & so was I! Super night! Endorphins!
Listening to Malcolm Gladwell's "The Tipping Point." "Blink" is memorized. Gave a mentee "Outliers." I'll walk with Gladwell for a while!
Well, the weather has settled down & I've GOT to get back in shape! TuffGuy's up for it, always! So off we go for a midnight walk! Love it!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Do you have expertise you can share as a consultant? This is a legitimate opportunity to supplement your income!
Ordered "Beyond Viral: How to Attract Customers, Promote...Brand...Make Money w/Online Video (New Rules Social Media)"
For the next month UII will set up your blog free of charge in conjunction with Inbound Marketing Zen! UII is growing!
Can you offer your knowledge to others? Are you capable of consulting over the phone? Great opp for the right person!
Inbound Marketing Zen and The Ultimate Internet Image Pre-Launch
"Success is not...what you've accomplished, but by the courage with which you've struggled against overwhelming odds." Orison Swett Marden
"There is something beautiful about working so hard that you are reduced to silence next to your friends." Kristin Armstrong
Listened to Wolf Blitzer & Donald Trump yesterday! He sounds a lot like he's testing the '12 Presidential waters! Like him or not~Smart guy!
Time to call it a day! New client, always a bonus! The gloves are off with GVO after being nice & getting nowhere! Downer! Good day though!
Of all the companies I've dealt with, 3 have fantastic support! HostGator & SEOHosting (same), AWeber, & TrafficGeyser!
Have been with a subcontracted AWeber brand for 2 years for email. Now going with AWeber proper. Great company, super support! Excellence
Warning: Stay away from & They were recommended. What a mess! $1 trial cost me a ton! Support ARGUES with you!
Inbound Marketing is Not Broken

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Warning: Stay away from & Someone recommended them & I bit. What a complete mess! $1 trial cost me a ton!
It's funny about life. Every time I get things figured out I seem to get nudged in another, more interesting & rewarding direction! Love it!
Thank you again everyone, especially Twitter friends! #1 in Cleveland! You are amazing & I've gained so much from YOU!
Watched a very good movie on Sundance. "One Week" is the story of a journey to find meaning in life after a cancer diagnosis. Great stuff!
I'm NEVER negative! But stay clear of GVO or or or or whatever else they call themselves! GVO is a mine field!
Warning: Stay away from GVO & Someone recommended them & I did. What a mess!
Warning: Stay away from GVO & Someone recommended them & I did. What a mess! $1 trial I can't cancel! Terrible
Stay away from GVO! I'm trapped in The Twilight Zone over a $1 trial I can't get cancelled! Someone recommended them. TERRIBLE service! WOW!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

1 of my first blogs (hence the .info) Ugh! Some of my secrets for effective video marketing & a trick to get to page 1!
My genius designer & social media manager for UII @LisaSawyer317 has been at work! Now I have to fill it with content!
"The dog ate my homework!" Or the next "worst" thing? Grammar...UGH! Fact is stranger than fiction!
"It takes three years to become an overnight success, sometimes more." Seth Godin ~ Malcolm Gladwell has made a similar point...& others!
"The commonality between science & art is in trying to see profoundly, to develop strategies of seeing & showing." Edward Tufte

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"The greater danger...lies not in setting our aim too high...but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark." Michelangelo
Now I can sleep! Now I won't be able to sleep! Thanks again everyone!
Thanks to my social media friends! You guys ROCK! 4 days & UII jumped 200k for the 3mo Alexa TrafRank! In 4 days! Thanks
48hrs~Less than 48hrs! UII's free ebook will be available for subscribers! This has been a labor of love! It's awesome!
The Ultimate in Inbound Marketing Consulting: What to Expect from The Ultimate Internet Image A look inside the process
"Even when you've gone as far as you can & everything hurts...staring at can find more strength deep inside." Hal Higdon
I've not been happy with images we post. I just invested in the Adobe Photoshop 8 & Premiere Elements 8! What a difference! Very nice!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Want to know how to build your own business beginning tomorrow? This will get you going! No! It's not an info product!
I just sent my subscribers an update on the new ebook! It will NOT be "just another ebook!" I'm excited!
How to Succeed at Inbound Marketing: The Secrets to Prospecting Part I~Building an Inbound Marketing Consulting Firm
"When you innovate, you've got to be prepared for everyone telling you you're nuts." Larry Ellison
"What is not started today is never finished tomorrow." Goethe
“Lets drink to the hard working people! Lets drink to the salt of the earth!” Mick Jagger ~ Happy Labor Day guys!
BTW, I gave you a peek VERY early in the build process because I get so excited whenever we build anything new! So fun!
I have amazing virtual associates~Led by @LisaSawyer317 LOVE her work! The Ultimate Internet Image will be just that!
I've been writing about the homogenization & commoditization of marketing. Bob Oros (!) contributed a guest post! Super
"GOOD NIGHT, Mrs. Calabash--wherever you are!" Jimmy Durante - 1955! Phew!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Watched a disconcerting movie late last night, 3am. Dark Matter! The worst part about it? It's true of academia & it's a true story!
I have to tell you, I've all but written Digg off! Talk about messing with a good thing! Since the changeover Digg has been worthless! Phew!
Got this just now: "Digg has broken an axle. We might have to sell some oxen but we'll be back on the trail soon." Put it out of its misery!
Inbound Marketing Success: Are You Selling Price or Loyalty? Guest post by my good friend & sales trainer Bob Oros!
Want to get to Google's Page 1 in hours? Sometimes less? This video site does it almost every time! A Labor day gift!
My secret weapons for getting to page 1 fast! Talk about a holiday gift! Happy Labor Day to all of you in the States!
How to Use Video Effectively: Internet and Inbound Marketing
"Without the element of uncertainty...bringing off...the greatest business triumph would be dull, routine...unsatisfying." J Paul Getty
Just finished editing p 61 of our ebook! Free to subscribers...& I'm only on letter E! It's gonna be good if I survive!
RT @cafegabriel @JohnZajaros it's because you put out great content that my paper picks it up. Keep it up!~Talk about making my day! Thanks!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Working on my new ebook subscribers will get on 9-8! Online Marketing A thru Z! Everything needed to make money online!
“Really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great.” Mark Twain ~ A peak at my upcoming ebook! Free to UII subscribers!
"No one's happiness but my own is in my power to achieve or to destroy." Ayn Rand
Check this out! Want a nice Facebook pg but don't want to pay Big Bucks? How does free grab you! I'm not an affiliate!
Positioning, Differentiation & Inbound Marketing Commoditization Part III Links to Pts I & II posted in PS!
"Learn to see in another's calamity the ills that you should avoid." Thomas Jefferson
The Inbound Marketing Week in Review: Klout, Social Media Data, and GNIP

Friday, September 3, 2010

Have a super weekend! Thanks for for all the messages, especially on Twitter! Wow! You guys are amazing! Last weekend of summer! Do it right
Not to be confused! This is Pt II: Homogenization, Commoditization, & Mediocrity in Inbound Marketing Please comment!
Homogenization, Commoditization, and Mediocrity in Inbound Marketing The Mediocre Majority! Part II
Are we witnessing the commoditization of inbound marketing consulting & social media management? Food for thought!
Are we witnessing the commoditization of inbound marketing consulting & social media management? Food for thought!
Watching Alexa Rank is like watching a scale everyday! It's frustrating! It's better to watch a week at a time! UII made another huge jump!
The Homogenization and Commoditization of Inbound Marketing Are you the K-Mart version? Or are you remarkable?
Are we witnessing the commoditization of inbound marketing consulting & social media management? Food for thought!
Are we witnessing the commoditization of inbound marketing consulting & social media management? Food for thought!
“Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.” Benjamin Franklin
VOX is closing! They'll be transitioning to free TypePad accounts & images & photos to Flickr! Vox had real appeal. Sorry to see VOX go!
Two of my favorite inbox subject lines: "Lead Just Came In" & "You Have a New Subscriber!" Best news of the day...every day!
We have a new site! I just created it tonight but it will have to wait for its inaugural piece until I'm a bit more "mellow!" Or something?!
I've been writing for hours! I keep going back to the same rant! Ranting has its place but not at 1am & not in the context I'm working in!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"If your don't think advertising works, consider the millions of people who now think yogurt tastes good." B Orben Or Winston tastes good...
I don't agree with Dan Kennedy on everything but when it comes to price? Hasn't anyone in consulting learned anything from the car business?
Was writing something for my ebook & got focused on an idea & couldn't get it out of my head! Now I'll be reading all night! Ugh!
This video was done over a yr ago & is still viral. It helps people & makes money. I donate it to a children's shelter!
I definitely make running a priority. That's not always possible, but my office knows that it goes first on the list. Dr. Jill Biden
Here's the link to the FTC's revised guidelines! Better to be safe then very sorry! If in doubt? Disclose everything!
One last thing! Make sure you know the FTC's revised guidelines before posting a testimonial or an affiliate link! They are getting serious
Have a super night, what's left of it! God bless those of you facing Earl's wrath! I hope he turns out to be a real whimp & stays offshore!
Long hard day! Lots going on! Had an awesome teleconference with a prospective client & moved up across the board with Alexa, every client!
In 48hrs my newsletter's been mentioned alongside @ObamaNews @Alyssa_Milano @TheEconomist @zaibatsu @danzarrella Thnx!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The contest end 9-7! Enter today! The odds are WAY better than you might think! Just comment & subscribe! UII
Broke 100k Alexa in USA! While that may not seem like much? UII has jumped MILLIONS in the past 3mos thanks to you guys
There is a ton of noise about social media! Which one of the 4 categories listed do you fall into?
Is anything new being said in social media & inbound marketing? The 80/20 Rule seems to apply!
The 80/20 Rule: Inbound Marketing and Social Media Management
The contest end 9-7! Enter today! The odds are WAY better than you might think! Just comment & subscribe! UII
The contest end 9-7! Enter today! The odds are WAY better than you might think! Just comment & subscribe! UII
“Mediocre people have an answer for everything and are astonished at nothing.” (1798–1863)
Follow up interview with Chris Arnold of TweetPivot - The Inbound Marketing Week in Review
How to Make Money Online: Outsourcing and Freelance Writers
Inbound Marketing Week in Review: A Hard Look at Social Media's Klout
The Entrepreneurial Trilogy: Tweets, Texts, and the Lost Art of Writing
Understanding Social Media: Is Social Media Social? Most have it all wrong!
Thank you for the interest in our latest newsletter! It broke traffic records! Please comment & RT!
Do something nice for someone today...totally on me! My gift to you!
Are you interested in social media? Do you use social media in your business? Then this is a must?
Our most popular newsletter yet! Social Media Data Reliability & Reporting Klout, GNIP, & Inbound Marketing Resources
"No one can possibly achieve any real and lasting success or "gain wealth" in business by being a conformist." J Paul Getty